Wednesday, December 4, 2013

People at Play

Japanese people have a well-deserved reputation for working long and hard. They often have long commutes, work long hours and don't take long vacations. But they enjoy their time away from work.

Ueno Park in Tokyo is where the city comes to unwind. On a warm, sunny November afternoon I walked through the park and found people enjoying almost every activity imaginable.
Jump rope
Jump rope
Dog walking
Tai Chi
Volleyball (without a net!)
Martial Arts
Rehearsing a play
Wedding photography

I'm actually not sure what this young woman was doing, whether it was Tai-chi or simply striking poses for her photographer/boyfriend.

I'm not sure if this is a picture of people at play or at work. Clearly one person is working very hard. The passengers are probably tourists made up as geishas.
It was rare to see street performers, but here are a couple who may or may not have been playing for money.

Finally, people can't play in a beautiful park unless there are lots of people keeping it beautiful.

Cleaning grounds at a shrine
Removing leaves from a pond
Sweeping leaves out of the moss at a temple
More pictures of people having fun can be found at: People at Play.

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